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Südtirol Alto Adige Guest Pass-mobilcard


From 1 April 2023, we offer our guests the new "Südtirol Alto Adige Guest Pass-mobilcard" for the duration of their stay. It allows free and unlimited use of all public means of transportation within the "Südtirol Integrated Transport Network":

  • Regional trains (not Eurostar/Intercity) in South Tyrol (Brennero – Trento, Malles/Mals – San Candido/Innichen)
  • All town and extra-urban bus services
  • The cable cars to Renon/Ritten, Maranza/Meransen, San Genesio/Jenesien (currently closed), Meltina/Mölten, Verano/Vöran and Colle/Kohlern
  • Renon/Ritten narrow-gauge railway
  • Mendola/Mendel funicular
  • PostAuto Schweiz bus service between Mals and Müstair

With the "Südtirol Alto Adige Guest Pass-mobilcard" you can discover the holiday region of Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 and the whole South Tyrol comfortably and free of charge by public transport (bus, train and public funiculars/cable cars). In this way you promote sustainable mobility and contribute to the reduction of motorized individual transport.

Upon completion of the accommodation contract, the Südtirol Alto Adige Guest Pass (consequently Guest Pass) will
be issued to the guest, which according to the decision of the South Tyrolean regional government No. 732/2022, is
valid for the entire duration of their stay as well as from 0:00 on the day of arrival unto 24:00 on the day of departure.
The Guest Pass includes the use of all public transport within the “südtirolmobil” network area as well as additional
services, which vary depending on the tourism organization. Detailed information can be found at: suedtirol-
The sole entity carrying the Guest Pass in South Tyrol is the Mobilitätskonsortium, appointed as the unified
coordination point in accordance with the above decision of the South Tyrolean regional government by the Provincial
Association of Tourism Organizations of South Tyrol on November 16, 2022.The details of the additional services
associated with the Guest Pass and the conditions of use of the Guest Pass are communicated by the third party
responsible for issuing and managing the Guest Pass. Detailed information is available at:

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